Blog — Health benefits

Does lecithin help with fatty liver-The-Longevity-Lab

Does lecithin help with fatty liver?

Have you ever spent a couple of minutes reading the labels on your canned food? If you did, you would find lecithin listed as one of the additives on them. Have you tried analysing how such additives can contribute to your health? If not, it is high time you sit on this.  Lecithin is a vital component that can determine the smooth functioning of your liver. Do you know how? Read this blog to find out how lecithin can help with fatty liver and other disorders like dementia and Alzheimer’s. What is Lecithin? Lecithin is a generic name for yellowish-brown...

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Apple Cider Vinegar

Apple Cider Vinegar Supplements - why should you take them?

Apple cider vinegar is fermented vinegar made from apples. It is known for its myriad benefits and is widely used by people to treat several skin and hair conditions. Being highly acidic, it is known to cure urinary tract infections, bacterial & fungal infections, etc.  Like apple juice, apple cider vinegar contains vitamin B1, B2, and B6, niacin, folic acid, pantothenic acid, etc. It also contains small amounts of potassium, phosphorus, calcium, iron, and magnesium.   Research suggests that daily consumption of apple cider vinegar with a meal may reduce body glucose response in healthy individuals and those with prediabetes conditions. ...

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Vegan Apple Cider Vinegar

Vegan Apple Cider Vinegar - The Longevity Lab

Apple cider vinegar is ideal for vegans. Vegan apple cider vinegar is made by fermenting crushed apple. The first stage is alcohol fermentation and then, acetobacter bacteria feed on the remaining sugar, turning the alcohol into vinegar. For the best possible results, organic apples will be used, thereby adding to the properties of the vinegar. There are no animal byproducts used when producing vegan apple cider vinegar as there sometimes are in other fermented liquids such as beer and wine. This means that apple cider vinegar is a true vegan product and has a number of important uses in a...

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Reduce bloating with Apple Cider Vinegar

How to Reduce Bloating - The Longevity Lab

Bloating is never a good time and can often seem to strike randomly and without warning. For some it’s a rare occurrence but for others it often seems to strike daily after almost every meal. "Very quickly it can make you look like you have a bit of a pooch. There's an enlargement of the abdomen and a sensation of distention," explains Dr. Kyle Staller, a gastroenterologist at Harvard. It’s unpredictability is a result of the complexity of the digestive system, with so many variables at play and with most capable of causing bloating it’s hard to track exactly what...

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