6 Reasons to Include Kelp in Your Daily Diet

Kelp in daily diet-The Longevity Lab

Did you know that kelp is one of the most nutrient-dense foods on the planet? You aren't alone if you had no clue that snails and shellfish aren't the only ones that eat kelp - humans do too!

If you aren't familiar with this shallow water nutrient, kelp is a type of seaweed packed with vitamins, nutrients, and antioxidants that can boost your health, metabolism, and energy levels and even ward off certain diseases.

Here are six reasons to start incorporating kelp into your diet today!

Kelp helps regulate thyroid hormones

Kelp is loaded with vitamins and minerals like iron, calcium, iodine, which help regulate thyroid hormones to improve thyroid function. Your thyroid gland is responsible for your metabolic process, and kelp provides an enormous source of iodine which supports thyroid function.

Kelp helps aid weight loss

Kelp is said to have a thermogenic effect in the body that helps burn more calories and fat when taken daily.

Not only is kelp low in calories and fat already, but it contains alginate - a natural fiber that can help stop the gut from absorbing fat. One study shows that alginate acts as a fat blocker, inhibiting pancreatic lipase (an enzyme that digests fat) by up to 72%. This suggests that kelp can be beneficial in preventing weight gain and diseases like obesity.

Kelp helps fight cancer and other diseases

Kelp also contains a remarkable group of antioxidant carotenoids called phytonutrients which have been shown to protect against cancerous cells in your body. It's also packed with vitamin A, B6, and C that help boost your immune system, making kelp an all-around amazing nutrient for better overall health.

Kelp also has usnic acid and other compounds, including alginates, which may help fight inflammation and other disease-triggering processes.

Finally, kelp contains glutathione, which humans naturally lose with age. Glutathione is vital for protecting us against oxidative stress that can cause chronic diseases. 

Kelp helps promote your energy levels

Studies have found kelp to be a significant energy booster and may help boost athletic performance. It provides your body with natural minerals, including several B vitamins that your body needs to convert food into calories that give you more energy. 

The calcium, iron, and magnesium in kelp also help combat fatigue and tiredness. These same nutrients are also believed to help aid various brain-related disorders like anxiety and depression, which are characterized by fatigue in many cases.

Kelp is good for your heart

Kelp helps reduces cholesterol by lowering LDL and triglycerides in your bloodstream.

Kelp contains natural compounds called polysaccharides which have been shown to lower cholesterol and prevent the hardening of the arteries (atherosclerosis). Studies show that kelp can significantly reduce high blood pressure and be consumed as a preventative agent for cardiovascular disease.

Kelp helps promote healthy skin, hair, nails - and bones!

Kelp is an excellent source of magnesium which aids in hormone regulation as well as neurological function. Magnesium also plays a role in healthy hair and nails. Kelp also contains vitamin C, which is important for collagen production, meaning kelp can provide an anti-aging beauty boost!

Kelp contains many minerals like magnesium, calcium, and iodine that are needed to promote bone health. Incorporating kelp into your diet daily can help you maintain healthy bones and teeth, keeping them strong even into old age. 

Between kelp's weight loss benefits to its numerous other healthful properties, it's safe to say this seaweed deserves a place at the top of your list when grocery shopping! Better yet, The Longevity Lab's 'Not Your Average Apple Cider Vinegar Capsules' contain 200 mg of kelp in easy-to-swallow, non-GMO tablets. It's the perfect way to significantly boost your health with just two tablets a day - particularly for those of you who aren't too keen on seaweed cuisine.

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